Do you need a centrepoint jobs? read the guideline

Last Updated on April 3, 2020

Centrepoint is the part of the Landmark group which is the longest-running the largest retail and hospitality conglomerate in the gulf region. The company was founded in Bahrain started with one store but now it has grown more than 23,000 outlets across the 22 countries worldwide. If you are looking for Centrepoint jobs, I think, it is very important for you to read this article before jumping to search for a job.

The multi-billion company runs by the Indian businessman has created the greatest brands depending on the customers’ choices  and now it has several brands some reputable companies are as follows;

  1. Retail
      • Centrepoint
      • Babyshop
      • Splash
      • SHOEMART
      • Lifestyle
      • Max
      • Home Centre
      • Home Box
      • Shoexpress
      • Emax
      • Viva
  2. Hospitality 
      • Fitness First
      • Citymax Hotels
      • Fun City
      • Fun block
      • Balance Wellbeing Spa
      • Fun works
      • Fun ville
      • Tridon
      • Corluccios
      • Max’s
      • Zafran
      • All about chicken
  3. Mall 
      • Oasis Mall
  4. Loyalty
      • Shukran

What is Centrepoint?

It is a landmark group’s brand and one of the largest stores for the man and women’s clothing. You will find quality and innovative design clothing in reasonable prices. Centrepoint runs the monthly promotion where the customer gets the world-famous brand at less price.

The greatest reason to work in the Landmark group

  1. Happiness: Although most workers come from India, the company has equal opportunities for success in professions with workers regardless of race, gender or religion.
  2. Growth: Advancement in a career is another reason people love to work in the landmark group. The more you learn and contribute to the companies the senior staff will take care of it, no need to worry about your hard work will vanish without the regard.
  3. Learning: As the largest organization, it is also the largest learning platform for everyone about new skills and innovative business ideas.
  4. Work-life Balance: It is an incredibly critical concern for today’s world since many businesses do not care about the work and health of the employees but in this company you will find a healthy balance between your work and play.
  5. Diversity: In each brand in the landmark you will find the amazing team from the different cultures and distinct ability to propel the business they can be the mentor of your future career.
  6.  Equality: If you see the employee’s portfolio of these companies the women are in the top position parallel to the men, so, the company provides an equal opportunity for success regardless of anything apart.

The countries where the company has operates;

  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Malaysia
  • Nigeria
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • UAE
  • Yemen

How to look for Centrepoint jobs in UAE and other countries?

After overviewing the companies profile you may like to work in this incredible company, let me guide you on how to look for the job in Centrepoint. I have already told you that Centrepoint is one of the brands of the landmark group, therefore, you should look for a career in the landmark group rather than the specific brand.

Step 1: Visit the landmark group career job portal and scroll down up to the join with us section and choose the brand.


Step 2: Create an account by just click the log in icon at the right top of the page and click I agree on the term and condition. If you are the new user just click on the new user option or you can use to log in Gmail or yahoo email Id.


Step 3: After completing the signup process, now log in to your account by entering your username and password. Go to the job search area then browse the job through location and brands.

  • Choose the brands where you are looking for the opportunity
  • Select the location.
  • to making narrow your search you can enter the job number if you know
  • and enter the job title


Step:4 When the available jobs are displayed. Click on the job to get more information if your qualifications and experience suit the particular role then apply for it with attached your professional CV.

Conclusion: Centrepoint is the greatest place to work even though you will be busy every time. You have to address the customer request, handling the complaints, managing the clothes and other retail items. There is various department in the Centrepoint where the employees have different responsibilities and duties. You will learn and gain the incredible work experience here in the landmark group if you get Centrepoint jobs anywhere in the world.

UAE job Market after the Covid19 crisis.  

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Hello, everyone, I am Ranga Singh the founder of For the past 17yrs, I worked in aboard. Now, I have been researching the job market, especially in the Gulf region. The main purpose of the website is to give information, advice, and guidance to the people about the job, education visa and travel. I want to support young people for a happy and successful career.
