INTERNET AND MARKETING Using vpn in nepal is legal or illegal?

Using vpn in nepal is legal or illegal?

Last Updated on November 29, 2023

Nepal is a tiny Himalayan nation that has embraced democracy and guaranteed fundamental rights including freedom of expression in its constitution. Nepaleas are actively engaged in world social media platforms in today’s digital era contributing to the nation’s connection with the world.

Despite Nepal’s government’s bans on specific websites and social media, the use of VPN in Nepal to access them is increasing. In this post, I will discuss the implications and considerations surrounding using VPNs in Nepal.

What are VPNs?

VPN “Virtual Private Network” allows you to connect to the internet through an encrypted channel to avoid publicly exposing your online privacy. VPNs commonly used to secure sensitive data, bypass geo-restrictions, and protect against online surveillance.

Who uses VPNs in Nepal?

Public entities, private financial institutions, and diplomatic offices use VPN devices to enhance network security. In Nepal, some individuals also use VPN applications to access restricted websites.

Which websites and social media are banned in Nepal?

The Nepal government has banned websites featuring inappropriate content, including those related to prone and zoo bestialities, along with the widely popular TikTok app. The government cites concerns that these platforms have had a negative impact on social harmony and family relations.

Using VPNs to access restricted websites;

In Nepal, cyber law is the Electronics Transactions Act, 2063 (2008 AD), the only law dealing with various computer-related illegal acts of violence.

While the law in Nepal has clearly defined unlawful activities involving computers or the internet and prescribed penalties for such offenses, it does not explicitly declare the use of VPNs as illegal.

Is using a VPN in Nepal legal?

Using a VPN in Nepal is not illegal because many public and commercial enterprises, including government offices banks, and other financial institutions, use them to improve network security.

Using VPNs for online activities is legal for visitors, tourists, and the general public in Nepal. However, it is essential to ensure that your online presence with VPN, does not compromise the data privacy of others.

Whether you employ a VPN or not, engaging in unlawful activities through computers or the internet in Nepal can result in a minimum imprisonment period of 6 months to 3 years or a fine ranging from a minimum of NPR 50,000 to 300,000.

Using a VPN for legitimate purposes is generally free from legal repercussions. However, engaging in malicious activities such as hacking, spreading hate speech, disclosing private information, and violating copyright laws while using a VPN in Nepal may lead to imprisonment or fines.


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