LABOUR LAW UAE Labour Law Probation Period: Key Features and Employee Rights

UAE Labour Law Probation Period: Key Features and Employee Rights

Last Updated on September 18, 2024

The probation period in the UAE is essentially a trial phase for employees to prove their suitability for a specific job role. Under the UAE labour law probation period is capped at six months and cannot be extended. According to Article 37, probationary employment contracts are clearly defined and regulated.

Features of UAE Labour Law Probation Period

  1. Both parties sign the employment contract, and it always mentions the probation period, so review this detail carefully.
  2. The UAE labor law does not allow any extension of the probation period beyond six months.
  3. During the probation period, employers have the right to terminate the contract without giving prior notice if you don’t abide by the company’s regulation.
  4. If your employer terminates your contract during this period, you cannot take legal action against them for the termination.
  5. Gratuity is not applicable if your employment ends while you’re still under probation.
  6. Upon completing the probation period, your employment will continue as per the terms stated in your contract.
  7. If you wish to change jobs during the probation period, you must notify your current employer in writing at least 30 days in advance. The new employer is responsible for compensating the previous employer for employment costs and any related government fees.
  8. If foreign workers wish to terminate their contract and leave the country, they must inform their current employer in writing at least 14 days in advance. If they return to the UAE for employment within three months, the new employer is required to compensate the original employer.
  9. If either the employer or the employee terminates the contract without providing the required notice as mentioned in the article, they must compensate the other party with the wages equivalent to the notice period.
  10. If the worker leaves the country without complying with the article, it may result in a 1-year labor ban in the UAE.

What You Should Do During the Probation Period

As an employee, it’s important to follow company rules and ensure you’re meeting your employer’s expectations. Maintaining a good work ethic is crucial, and you should avoid anything that could jeopardize your job, such as consuming alcohol.

You should avoid taking leave during probation unless necessary and approved by your employer.

It’s also wise not to make major decisions independently. Since you’re new, it’s best to consult your seniors when unsure about anything.

Always be open to correcting your mistakes during this phase, as learning and improvement are part of the probation experience.


The UAE labor law probation period is a critical time, but it’s usually manageable if you’re diligent in your work. Most employers rarely terminate contracts during this phase unless the employee fails to meet basic job expectations.

By knowing your rights and responsibilities during the probation period, you can navigate this testing time with confidence and set yourself up for long-term success.


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