LABOUR LAW ministry of labour Dubai, things that everyone needs to know

ministry of labour Dubai, things that everyone needs to know

Last Updated on March 5, 2022

The ministry of labour Dubai refers to the Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratisation  (MOHRE). It is not a part of Dubai’s government but of the federal government of the UAE.

The Labor Department of Dubai always deals with issues related to work but does nothing in terms of visas and entry permits. You should not confuse the name of the ministry of labor (MOL) and the ministry of human resource and Emiratisation (MOHRE) because MOL has changed its name into the MOHRE.

What Does the ministry of labour Dubai do?

As I said earlier, MOL is dealing with issues between employer and employee who claims to breach the labor contract. Despite this,  here are some of the responsibilities of the Dubai ministry of labor as follows.

  1. Provide the labor contract:

The employer company must receive the labor contract from MOL before applying for the work permit for its workers. Both parties must read, understand and sign.

The contract document shall be written in English and the employee’s native language to ensure that they understand the terms and conditions even if they do not speak English.

2. Issuing the Labour card: 

The MOL issues the labor card to the employee after reviewing the application. The employer company should process the card to the ministry.

3. Issuing the work permit: 

The labor ministry of Dubai issued the work permit to the employee which allow them to work legally in the United Arab Emirates.

A company cannot hire foreign nationals without a work permit because doing so can result in severe penalties for both the employer and the individual.

Thus, a work permit is critical for you to take with you while at work so that you can present it to the authority during an inspection.

4. Renew the labor card and work permit:

After completing the contract, expatriates’ employees must renew their visa, work permit, and labor card with the employer company.

The Ministry of Immigration renews visas in the same way as the Ministry of Labor renews work permits and labor cards.

5. Labor ban:

Although the new regulation allows the employee or employer to terminate the contract at any time, however, both parties should agree on it.

If you terminate the contract before expiring without the employer’s consent it could bring the labor ban in UAE unless you are holding a high-level skills job.

The MOHRE still can impose the labor ban on you at the request of the employer if you have breached the labor contract.

6. Complaint resolution: 

The ministry of labor’s main role in Dubai is to resolve disputes that inevitably emerge between the employment company and the employee.

Seeking justice in a labor court can cost thousands of dollars, far exceeding the compensation requested.

Hence, the ministry of labor or the ministry of human resource and Emiratisation is the cost-effective way to make a complaint against the employer or the employee.

The MOHRE is always willing to listen to both sides and render a conclusion that is acceptable to both.

The responsibilities of the ministry of labor UAE;

Although the ministry of labor UAE has many duties the key responsibilities to fulfill are the following;

  • Advocate for the federal labor law and supervise the implementation.
  • Enforce the rules and regulations both for employees and employers.
  • managing the job market
  • Planning and proposing labor policies that suit the UAE job market.
  • Manage the labor relationships and establish stability in the market
  • Increase productivity in the country’s workforce and create jobs.

The MOHRE has the two-division one is the ministry of human resources and another is Emiratisation. The department of the Emiritasation has different duties and responsibilities which are as follows;

  • Making the Emiratisation policy to include more Emirati citizens in the job market and supervising its implementation;
  • conducting field and administrative studies and analyses on the job market;
  • providing career advice and consultancy to Emirati manpower;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the process of Emiratisation in the private’s sector.
  • Promoting small investment companies through the implementation of national’ self-employment projects;
  • preparing training programs for nationals seeking jobs;
  • Coordinating and directing the country’s skills training, vocational courses, and educational programs;
  • Overseeing the working class of the assertive services in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country.

Why the ministry of labour UAE is an important organization?

MOHRE is the government agency that particularly intervenes in cases of contract breach by either the contractor or the employees.

This department has been playing an active role in proposing and implementing labor rules and regulations in this country.

It works like the court of the first instance and proposes both employer and employee settle the problem through discussion and compromise.

Being a foreign worker in the UAE you should know your legal rights and privileges that are granted by the Ministry of the Human Resource and the Emiratisation.

If you feel the employer is treating you unfairly or does not comply with the labor contract you can complain to the MOL. If you want to learn the way to complain to MOHRE click here

Conclusion: The ministry of labor in Dubai is the federal department of the UAE government which concerns the work-related issue in the Dubai job market.

The MOL of Dubai handles the complaints from the employees or the employer who feels against a party that does not go through the labor law of the UAE.

Issuing the labor card and work permit for the foreigner, imposing the labor ban, and fine for the employer if not abide by the federal labor law are the prime duties of the MOL in UAE.

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